Reading a Writer’s Reading

Let me unpack that title: I am about three-quarters of the way through Ten Years in the Tub: A Decade Soaking in Great Books, by Nick Hornby, in which he writes about what he’s been reading. I stumbled on this book while browsing through my public library’s database, looking for books about writing. It came…

On Journaling

I’ve never been one of those people that journals, keeps a diary, writes regularly about their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. I have a high respect for those people that do, since it seems to bring so much joy and clarity to their lives. My attempts (usually inspired by conversations with those people) result in the…

New Job – Hooray!

Happy Wednesday! I have news for you all – I’m a major bookworm. Shocking, I know, especially considering the title of this blog. I love reading books. I love talking about books. I love people who love books. This is especially awesome because – (actual news this time) I just got a job at a…

Hello again.

It is a beautiful Spring day in Portland, Maine, and I’d like to start blogging again. I just finished a 1.5 year stint at a really great job here in Portland. That job was interesting and fun and really really difficult, and I’m so lucky to have had such a great opportunity. Having something so…

Welcome and Big News

Greetings, dear reader! If you’ve found your way here from my article on Mt. Koya for, welcome! (If not – please go check it out if you’re into that kind of thing!) Feel free to say hello, go through old posts, etc. I write about a lot of things here: books, travel and international…

Happy Thanksgiving!

Whether you’re American or not, whether you celebrate Thanksgiving or not, you should do these three things today: Think of someone you love and haven’t talked to in a while. Call them and tell them you love them. Spend a little time thinking of the people in your life and experiences you’ve had for which…


Instead of saying a prayer before meals, a common Japanese custom is to say いただきます(“Itadakimasu*”) before beginning to eat. It literally means “I humbly receive**,” like you would say when someone that you really respect gives you a gift. This is meant to thank all of the beings involved with the making of your food…

An inside perspective on poverty

A friend posted this article on facebook today, entitled “This is Why Poor People’s Bad Decisions Make Perfect Sense.” It is a painfully honest account of what life is like for those barely scraping by. The author stares prejudice in the face and dares it to give a truer account. I am an extremely privileged…

My favorite blog Monday – 101 Books

101 Books: Reading my way through Time Magazine’s 100 Greatest Novels since 1923 (Plus Ulysses) is a fantastic blog. It is written by a man who decided one day to read through this monstrous list of excellent novels and write about it. He posts reviews of each book, he highlights his favorite characters and passages…

Something Sensible Sunday – Travel

Yesterday I traveled from Nashville, TN to Madison, WI. It took 11 hours, 2 planes, 1 train, and 4 automobiles and a lot more money and patience. This is a miraculous feat of human technology and infrastructure. It used to take people weeks or months to travel that distance, and here I am making the…